As a child I loved to dance all the rythms I heard around me… and in Buenos Aires there is music everywhere. I was a very expressive and extroverted child. Whenever I could, in a few moments, I came up with hilarious numbers. All sorts of shows: danced, recited and stand-up. My urgency to perform was so strong that the stage had become my home.
The turning point happened when I was 18. I was walking down a road and saw him: a mime. His name was Carlos and was offering imaginary flowers to the people passing by. It was love at first sight that changed my life: the encounter with that universal language, the discovery of an expression aimed at emotions and feelings made me recognize the possibility to arrive at people’s hearts without deviation. I fell in love… leaving erverything else.
Argentina, Uruguay, 2 years in Brazil, New York, Japan, Israel and then Europe: Spain, France, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and finally Switzerland… where I found my home and built my family.
I owe my education to the Dimitri theatre school in Verscio: a fortifying experience and a passionate and intense challenge. An unforgettable experience, both professional and human, was the encounter with the great clown Dimitri. At that time I started to create my comic roles. One day as I was playing with characters, Elsa Lame, my comic-waitress was born. After that I had much fun inventing many more.